

The March to Khaybar


The truce the holy Prophet had made with Mecca now made it possible to concentrate on the dangers which lay to their north. The greatest of these was the town of Khaybar, occupied by Jews who were for the most part implacably hostile to Islam.

The sorcerer Labid had almost certainly been bribed from there, though that could have been the work of an individual. But there were far more evident and general reasons for taking action against the exiled Bani Nadir and their Khaybarite kinsmen. Not that they were likely to invade Yathrib.

Except for one or two men, they had not taken any direct part in the campaign of the Trench, but it was they who had given Quraysh every encouragement to attack, and it was their influence which had induced their allies of Ghatafan to side with Quraysh on that occasion.

It was also largely through them that Ghatafan still remained virtually at war with the oasis. Medina could never know any fullness of peace while Khaybar remained as it was.

It had long been clear that something must be done, sooner or later, in that direction; and now the time had come, for the Prophet was certain that the near victory promised in the recent Revelation - a victory which would moreover be rich in spoils - could be nothing other than the conquest of the Jewish stronghold of Khaybar.

But this was not to be shared by all who professed Islam. The Revelation made it clear that those Bedouin who had failed to respond to his summons to make the Lesser Pilgrimage had been largely prompted by mercenary motives.

Since there was no hope of plunder on the Pilgrimage, it was not worth the effort. They were therefore not to be allowed to take part in the conquest of what was, without doubt, one of the richest communities in all Arabia.

This meant setting off with a smaller force, though it had the advantage that their plans could be kept secret until the last moment. But even when the project became known, it was passed from mouth to mouth as a pleasantry rather than a fact. The impregnable strength of Khaybar was almost proverbial.

Quraysh and the other enemies of Islam hoped that the news was true because, if so, Mohammad would at last receive a crushing defeat; but they feared it could not be true, for they knew he was not mad.

As for the men of Khaybar themselves their confidence was such that they refused to believe it. They did not even trouble to ask their allies for help until certain news came from Medina that Mohammad was about to set forth.

Only then did Kinanah, their virtual chief, make a speedy visit to Ghatafan, offering them half the date harvest for that year if they would send them reinforcements. The Ghatafan agreed to do so and promised a force four thousand men.

The Jews of Khaybar were in the habit of donning their armour every day and lining up their full strength of fighting men, ten thousand in all. The help of Ghatafan would bring the number up fourteen thousand; and according to the news from Medina, the invading army was of sixteen hundred men only.

Before the Prophet set out, one of the men of Aws known as Abu Abs came to him with a problem. He had a camel to ride, but his clothes were rags and he had no means of procuring any provisions to take on the march and nothing to leave for the upkeep of his family, let alone buying himself new garment.

There were many others in similar circumstances, though this was an extreme case. But much had been spent on the Pilgrimage, and everything that had been gained so far in the way of spoil was outweighed by the increasing number of poverty-stricken converts who came Medina from every direction.

The Prophet gave Abu Abs a fine long cloak all that was available for the moment; but on the march, a day or two later he noticed that he had on a much poorer cloak and he asked him:

"Where is the cloak I gave thee?"

Abu Abs replied,

"I sold it for eight dirhams. Then I bought two dirhams worth of dates as provision for myself, and left two dirhams for my family to live on, and bought a cloak for four dirhams."

The Prophet laughed and said:

"O father of Abs, thou and thy companions are poor indeed. But by Him in whose hand is my soul, if ye keep safe and live yet a little while, ye shall have abundance of provision and leave abundantly for your families. Ye shall abound in dirhams and slaves; and it will not be good for you!"

At one point on the march, between two camps, the Prophet halted army and called to a man of Aslam known as Ibin Al-Akwa, who had, as he knew, a beautiful voice.

"Dismount, and sing us a song of camel songs."

The Bedouin would sing to their camels as they rode from place to place. They would chant poems to old melodies, monotonous, haunting and plaintive; and to the sadly serene cadences of one of these Ibin Al-Akwa now chanted some words which the Prophet had taught the while they were digging the trench:

"God, but for Thee we never had been guided, Never had given aims, nor prayed Thy prayer."

So it began; and when he had finished the Prophet said to him:

"God have Mercy on thee."

One of the companions noted:

"Thou hast made it inevitable, O Messenger of God. Would thou hadst let us enjoy him longer!"

He meant, as they all knew, that the Prophet had foretold his early martyrdom, for they had come by experience to conclude that when he invoked Mercy upon anyone, that person had probably not long to live.



 imam ali (a.s)

Sauda Hamdani is a lady fond of Ali. She in presence of Mo’awiyah paid salutation to Ali and described his merits: "Blessed is the soul who has been hurried and with him justice has been buried. He was so committed to truth that no other heart could do. He was conjoined with faith and belief. Saasaa bin Sohan Abdi is another devotee of Ali. He is from amongst those who joined Ali’s funeral on the fateful night. When they burried Ali and heaped dust on his body, Saasaa put one of his hands on his heart and threw dust on his head with the other, saying, "Death be happy to you! You were born in pious premises. Your perseverance was vigorous, your efforts were marvelous. You had control on your thoughts and your bargain was profitable".

"You have reverted back to your Creator and He has happily welcome you. His angels have rallied around you. You have resided in the proximity of the Prophet. Allah has brought you closer to Himself and has put you in the vicinity of your brother Mustafa. He has made you drink from his cup".

"I wish Allah may grace us to follow you and trace your footsteps. We should keep your fiends to be our friends and your enemies to be our enemies and may be we are resurrected among the company of thy friends".

"You discovered what others could not. You reached where others could not. In the view of thy brother, the Prophet, you have battled. With Allah’s Faith you stood fast in a befitting manner up to enforcement of Sunnah, eradication of opposition to it and establishment of Faith. Best salutations to you.

"Through you the Muslims were fortified, their ways became clear and Divine commands were enforced. No single person would ever possess all those merits and charms which you singly possessed. You were responsive to the Prophet’s call. You were foremost among others to receive Prophet’s approval. You hastened to his assistance. You defended him at the risk of your life. In the moments of dread and horror you assaulted with your sword, The Zulfiqar, and broke the aggressor’s spinal cord. You uprooted idolatry and meanness. You dragged the transgressor through sand and blood. May you rest in peace, O the leader of the faithful!"

"You were nearest to the Prophet. You were the first to embrace Islam. You were full of confidence. You were of the firm mind. You were rich in virtue. May God not deprive us of our reward for our missing you. May He not abandon us after you".

shrine of imam ali (a.s)

"By God! Thy life was key to virtue and lock to vice. Thy death is key to every vice and lock to every virtue. Had the people benefited from you, blessings would have showered on them from heavens. But they preferred the sordid world".

Yes they preferred the sordid world. They could not face justice and Ali’s determination. Ultimately rigidity and stagnation came out of the sleeves of such a people and they martyred Ali.

Ali is matchless in having such friends and selfless devotees who laid down their lives in the cause of his love and affiliation. They marched even to the gallows. The pages of Islamic history are proud of their blossoming, beautiful and marvelous biographies. Hands of the ignoble criminals like Ziyad, son of unknown, his son Obaidullah, Hajjaj bin Yusuf, Mutawakkil and, above all, Mo’awiyah bin Abi Sufian are soaked to elbow of the blood of such a cream of humanity.



Source: the book named, The Attraction and Repulsion of Ali (A.S)

By Mortaza Motahhari

imam ali (a.s)

What is the cause of Ali’s love and affection in hearts of men? The secret of love has not till today been discovered by anyone. It is not possible to evolve a formula saying that had it happened so this would have been the result and had it happened the other way that would have been the result. However, it has a secret. There is something in the beloved, which attracts the lover and is bewitching for him. The love and attraction in the foregoing chapters has been named as "Ishq". Ali no doubt is the beloved of and coveted by men. Why? And to what end? Why this is exceptional with Ali that he inspires love and allures the souls to himself. Why has he become a perpetual phase and why does he live to eternity? Why do the hearts feel that they are acquainted with him? Why did people not feel that he is dead and it is why that they find him alive?

Admittedly the object of love is not his body because he is not bodily present amongst us and we do not feel him as such. Moreover, love with Ali is not equivalent to hero-worship of all nations. It will be doubtful if we say love with Ali is sequel to love with his human and moral merits and that love with Ali is love with humanity. Doubtless, Ali is an embodiment of a perfect man. It is also correct that man loves great models of human virtue. But let Ali possess all these human merits, let him possess wisdom, knowledge, devotion, sacrifice, humility, decorum, kindness, affection, love for the weak, justice, freedom, independence, regard for humanity, selflessness, chivalry, bravery and kindness even towards his enemy; (and according to Maulvi: you are in chivalry, the Lion of Allah; We cannot define what you are in benevolence), generosity, benevolence, and all that Ali had let him have; if he would not have enjoyed the complexion of God, he would not have been so much captivating and inspiring as he is even today.

Ali is loved because he has connection with Divinity. He, imperceptibly, from the depths of our hearts attracts us towards the Truth and towards determination. And when we say Ali is one of the greatest signs of Allah, it is for the reason that we find in him the manifestation of Truth. Hence men’s love for him.

In fact what reinforces people’s love with Ali is the bondage of love of God hidden in their souls. As the souls are eternal, so is love for Ali. There are so many brilliant points in Ali’s personality, but what is always sublime and illuminating is his faith and sincerity, which has blessed him with Divine determination.




Source: A book named The Attraction and Repulsion of Ali (A.S)

By Mortaza Motahhari

medina, mubahila

Proposal of Mubahila

After exchange of views on several issues, the delegation did not seem to be willing to accept the observations about the incorrect beliefs of Christianity and the logical explanations proving the incorrectness of their beliefs. At that time Allah send down the famous Ayat-e-Mubahila of the Quran:

Glorious Quran Chapter 3 Verse 61:

And unto him who disputeth with thee therein after the knowledge hath come unto thee, Say! (O\" Our Apostle Muhammad!) (Unto them) come ye, let us summon our sons, and (ye summon) your sons, and (we summon) our women and (ye) your women, and (we summon) ourselves and then let us invoke the curse of God on the liars!

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) recited this Ayat and invited them for Mubahila - praying to God to destroy and banish the liars.

Mubahila became necessary since the Christian delegation was adamant to accept the truth. After some hesitations the delegations asked to be given one day to reconsider their options and then accepted to have the Mubahila after two days. In their consultations among themselves, the grand Bishop Abu Harisa told his companions that if tomorrow, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) brings his companions and his tribesmen and military might with him for Mubahila then they should accept the challenge without fear but if he brings only the members of his family, then never accept the challenge.

Whom did the Prophet (pbuh ) take with him?

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) selected a place close to Medina for the Mubahila which was then cleaned and prepared by Salman Farsi and the next day the Christian delegation reached the designated place. A number of muhajirren and ansaar also gathered at the site. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) took with him Imam Hassan (a.s), Imam Hussein (a.s), Bibi Fatimah (s.a) and Imam Ali (a.s) and headed towards the site in a manner that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was leading the group holding Imam Hassan (a.s) and Imam Hussein (a.s) and Bibi Fatima (s.a.) was behind him and Imam Ali (a.s) was behind Bibi Fatima (s.a).

Saad bin Abi Waqas relates that when the Ayat-e-Mubahila was sent down, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) called Imam Ali (a.s), Bibi Fatimah (s.a), Imam Hassan (a.s) and Imam Hussein (a.s) and said \’O my Allah, these are my Ahl-ul-Bayt\’. (Sahih Muslim, Vol.2, Page 287).

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) sat down under a tree with these weighty personalities and said that when I pray to God, you all should say \'Ameen\'.

the holy prophet muhammad

When the Christian delegation saw a woman, two children and only one man with the Prophet (pbuh), they got scared and worried and Abu Harisa said \’O my Christian friends, I am seeing such bright faces that if they pray that God move this mountain from its place then the mountain will be moved. I warn you do not have Mubahila with them or you all will be destroyed and banished.\’

The Christian delegation was still amazed and frightened when the brother of Abu Harisa, Karz ibn-e-Alqama stated that \’O my fellows, it appears that Muhammad (pbuh) is the same last apostle and prophet that has been mentioned in our sacred books. We should not have Mubahila with them because anyone who had Mubahila with the prophets in the past as well were destroyed. Look around you and observe that the signs of your destruction are appearing.\’ When they looked around, they observed that the entire atmosphere had changed and it appeared that a furious storm is in offing.

Result of the Mubahila

Witnessing this, they backed off from the contest and requested that their friendship be accepted. Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) accepted their request and asked Imam Ali(a.s) to write the agreement according to which they Najran tribes accepted to pay \'Jazia\' and live under the protection of the Muslims.

the holy quran

This victory is a unique one in the history of this world.

ارسال شده در تاریخ : شنبه 26 فروردين 1391برچسب:Islam+Imam Ali+Hazrat+Fatimah+Zahra+Proghet+Heaven+Imam Mahdi+Prophet+Prophets+sign+signs, :: 20:49 :: توسط : عبدالمهدی


eid mubahila

The 24th of Zil-Hajj marks the anniversary of the auspicious occasion of Eid Mubahila. This is the day of victory of Muslims over Christians. The event of Mubahila occurred in the 10th of Hijrah.

Najran was a fertile land located in the Northern mountainous region of Yemen about 20 Kms from Sanaa. About 40,000 Christians inhabited the land divided into 73 small towns. They were idol worshipers historically just like the Arabs but a priest named Femeon, a constructor by profession, preached Christianity in the area of Najran and soon all the population converted to Christianity and Najran became a powerful center of activities of Christians. They also constructed a church and named it \'Kaba-e-Najran\'. They prayed and offered various offerings there which resulted in an annual income of about two hundred thousand Dinars which was used for the priest who lived and studied there.

After the conquest of Mecca when Islam started spreading rapidly and the warring groups came under the flag of Islam, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) starting sending emissaries to the tribes who had not yet accepted Islam. In 10 A.H. a similar message was sent to the Christians of Najran and they were offered either to accept the teachings of Islam or live in the protection of Muslims and give \'Jazia\' - a kind of fee for protection services. When the Bishop of Najran received this message, he invited all the scholars and influential people of Najran and asked them to think and find a solution to this situation. This news spread rapidly among the masses and some people got infuriated as well but the Bishop of Najran pacified them and advised them to be mindful of the military might of the Islamic regime and try to find a peaceful solution.

Christian mission heads to Medina

After deliberations, it was finally decided to send a mission to Medina and have a dialog with the Muslims. A 14 member delegation headed by Aqib Saidawar and Abu Harisa started off for Mecca. Abu Harisa was considered as the greatest Bishop and scholar of the Christian world at that time and Aqib Sadawar was the biggest strategist and negotiator of the time. When the delegation reached Medina, the people got impressed by their lavish dressing and pomp and show since it was the first time that a mission had arrived in such a manner.

When they entered the Al-Masjid al-Nabawi, The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) looked at the precious stones, gold and silk clothes that they were wearing and turned away his face and did not pay any attention to them. After a while when no one noticed their pomp and show, they got out of the Al-Masjid al-Nabawiand met Usman and Ubaid-ur-Rehman outside and asked them as to why they were invited by the Muslims and then treated in this manner. Usman mentioned that he did not have a clue about that but if they consult Imam Ali(a.s), he would be able to tell them what was going on. They took the delegation with them and arrived at the house of Imam Ali (a.s) and mentioned about the whole incidence to him.

Imam Ali (a.s) said to the delegation that they were wearing dresses of silk and ornaments of gold which depicted their superior mentality and that they should take them off and dress simply.

Only then the Prophet (pbuh) would allow them to visit him and entertain them. when they followed the instructions of Imam Ali (a.s), they were allowed to visit the Prophet Muohammad(pbuh) after the Prayers of Asar and have discussions with him.



صفحه قبل 1 صفحه بعد

درباره وبلاگ
به وبلاگ من خوش آمدید
بیانات مهم رهبر معظم انقلاب درباره ارزیابی از وضع کنونی و پيشرفت های ملت ایران/ مذاکره با امریکا آیاتاکنون به سوره"حمد"اینگونه نگاه کرده‌اید؟ خاطره‌ حاج سعید که بغض رهبر انقلاب را درآورد شکل گیری فضای جنگی بین چین و ژاپن روسیه برای جنگ آماده می شود شهیدی که جنت را به او نشان دادند گره گشایی از مردم، قبرمان را روشن می کند راه نجات گریه‌کردن برای امام‌حسین علیه السلام چه ثوابی دارد؟ ملاقات با امام زمان عجل الله تعالی فرجه الشریف در عرفات و روضه حضرت عباس علیه السلام ده داستان کوتاه از زندگی جوادالائمه علیهم السلام اجمعین نظر درس‌آموز رهبر انقلاب درباره دختران بدحجاب چراغ سبز به دولت تركيه برای حمله به سوریه